Dreams of Horizon
Documenting the lives and times of worlds far removed in both time and space, Dreams of Horizon is a speculative fiction series pushing the limits of what is physically possible in order to explore some of the most exotic and wondrous denizens of deep space. From exploding galaxies to chromatic ice worlds, we embark on an atlas of the fictional Mira Cluster in an exploratory vision of what may lurk out in the endless void.
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All Articles
The Saturnia System: One Last Time For the Road
Between the nebular shells of the Gordian Reach is the inconspicuous Saturnia system. This array of once Mars-like worlds has been rendered unrecognizable by the activities of an intruding civilization, converting it to a scientific testing ground of nightmarish appearance.
The Erebos System: The Light, the Dark, and the Hateful
We come to a seemingly serene system in the middling reaches of the Comatula Nebula which hides a dark secret - a massive black hole, slinging around a normal star from its invisible perch. But this monster is still lying dormant - for now.
The Geometra System: Fragments of the Past
We come to a system of scattered giants, spread from the fiery depths to the icy exterior of a young, A-type system. Sitting in the wings of a young, scattered cluster, this billion year-old system stands to witness the catastrophe that awaits Passiflora.
The Polynoe System: The Transient Mortality
We wander to the edge of the Nereis Cluster, where we stumble upon the ephemeral beauty of a council of giants. With little time to live, white star Polynoe seems determined to make up for lost time with a truly staggering diversity of strange and wondrous worlds.
The Phyllodoce System: In the House of Oceanids
In the supernova-shocked corridors between the ethereal nebulae of the Gordian Reach, we find a curious array of planetary giants bedazzled with strange worlds all their own. This lone star, Phyllodoce, casts an eerie vision of an alternate history of our own - one where the giants of our Solar System devoured their terrestrial siblings in the womb.
The Oceanus System: The Primordial Waters
Near the edge of the Comatula Nebula, we find a demure old binary system with a magnificent entourage of planets. This system, Oceanus, hosts a diverse set of small worlds from sun-baked deserts to magmatic hells to azure ocean worlds. But all is not well, for Oceanus toes the line of instability, inviting a future that may bring cosmic tragedy.
The Fortuna System: Temporally Disjunct
Our journey takes us to the orange star Fortuna, which hosts a simple array of planets that might initially seem generic. But even the most subdued of systems will hold a few surprises.
The Horizon System: Physalia, the Miracle Author
Drifting over to the other face of the Horizon System, we find a surrealist vision scattered across five suns and forty-seven worlds. Many are small things not unlike Mars, tiny oases kept on life support by the invisible hands of gravitational giants.
The Horizon System: At the Hubble Horizon
We first arrive in a system unrivaled in its majesty. This wide four-star system hosts an astonishing twenty-five planets of all shapes and sizes, from tiny, Mars-like desert worlds to brown dwarfs on the road to stardom. With thirty-one inhabited worlds, one will struggle to find a more lively system on this side of the galaxy.